Minimum wages of Skilled, Semi Skilled and Unskilled workers in Delhi has been
increased with effect from 23rd October, 2013. As per the new declaration the minimum monthly
wages unskilled worker is Rs. 8086. This is increased from Rs. 7722 per month. The
Minimum wages of semi skilled labor are increased to Rs. 8918 from Rs. 8528.
Minimum wages of skilled labor are also increased to Rs. 9802 to Rs. 9386.
time the minimum wages of labors increased on April 2013. As per the Chief
Minister of Delhi the minimum wages has been increased half yearly as per the consumer
price index number and also based by the addition of D.A in wages.
this increase there is a hike of Rs. 364, Rs. 390 and Rs. 416 in a month which gives
them a slight relief in inflation.